Peace in Chaos

How to Have Peace Within Chaos?

Real peace and joy come from within. In this chaotic world, if we allow outward circumstances to control our feelings of peace and joy, we will rarely experience them. Although we will focus on finding peace within chaos here, I suggest you also read "Joy & Happiness," since the process for finding peace and joy overlap. Also read "Inner Peace," as an introduction towards finding peace. Having peace within chaos is like becoming the eye of a hurricane. Within the eye of a large hurricane or tornado is a circle of total peace. In the eye of a storm is no wind, often birds flying around, no chaos. The first time I learned this was when I watched a team of storm chaser film makers who flew a specially made airplane into the middle of storms to study them. I was shocked that within these spirals of chaos was a peaceful center. It seemed the perfect example of how we should deal with a chaotic life around us

We can not always control the spinning chaos around us. We can learn to control ourselves and where we are standing. We can stand within the chaos and be blown uncontrollably into destruction; or we can stand focused on our inner peace, keeping our thoughts on the good things, believing in change. Don't complain about something unless complaining changes it for the better. Don't complain; change it. If you didn't try you have no right to complain; your the one who chose to do nothing. If you can't change it; change yourself. We cover these concepts more in the explorations for success section of this site beginning with "Who Am I?"

What areas of your life are causing chaos? What can you do to change them, or your reaction to them? What people bring you peace when you spend time with them? Who takes away your peace when they are around? Think about spending more or less time with these people based on how healthy they are for your life. Make time for peaceful activities. I take at least two hours per day just to relax and be alone. Learn to be still. Some say, "empty your mind." The concept is good but no one can truly empty their mind of all thoughts. Even you think you can; once you reach that place without thought and you think, "I did it, I'm here!" Okay, that was a thought so your mind is not truly empty. You can however imagine that you are emptying your mind and focus so intensely on one until less thoughts are bothering you. When your mind wanders, treat like a loving and patient parent with a little child. Patiently, without stress, allow your mind to wander a bit, then gently pull it back to focus on your one thought or focal point. When in the midst of chaos, don't allow thoughts of helpless or stress to dominate you. Put happy images and memories in your mind, try to see the event from more productive angles, work on choosing not following your reactions and feelings. Begin habits that reduce stress and increase peace within you and around you.