Short Introductions to Open Your Mind:

What is Inner Peace?

Inner peace is something we all want to find. The world around us attempts to brainwash us into following many delusional paths and temporary pleasures to find peace. Yet, most of the methods taught to us are only temporary escapes keeping us in denial and within a delusional reality where we never find lasting inner peace. So, what is real inner peace?

When we explore inner peace here we will be focusing most on what is happening within your mind. Of course, inner peace is connected and influenced by outer physical peace and events that can not alway be treated as separate concepts. But to simplify the learning process and self-mastery one must magnify focus on ideas one by one. Physical pain and painful events will be subjects of later exploration. For now, focus more on learning about inner peace.

Inner peace also includes joy and happiness; feeling good about yourself, your life, what you do, what you say, and where you are going in life. (You may read our self exploration articles beginning with, "Who Am I"). Inner peace is overcoming your inner conflicts, mastering stress, knowing who you are, and having solid belief systems so you know clearly what is right and wrong. You can choose actions with the confidence of knowing you are improving and contributing to life rather than death, (of yourself and those around you).

When you truly find inner peace, you will know it. Let us begin on the path to peace.

How To Find Inner Peace

You will eventually understand, that the natural order of power within you is your soul controlling your mind and your mind should be in control of your body. We will explore the concepts on the soul in other lessons. Why do I say, "your mind should be in control of your body?" When your body's wants and desires over power your mind, you become fat, lazy, unfit, and unhealthy. Being unhealthy brings death closer to you. One often wants to eat less, smoke less, drink less, or regrets destructive temporary pleasures but does nothing to change them.

Inner peace requires finding peace with yourself. You must explore your inner conflicts, beliefs that guide your behaviors, what you feel should be that is not, and all things that cause stress, frustration, anger, and pain. You will not always want to truthfully look at the causes of your lack of inner peace. To find it will take some reprogramming, rethinking, and re-evaluation of yourself and your life. One way to begin to retrain yourself and your inner thoughts is to retrain what we call your "inner talk" or "inner dialogue." These are those thoughts you consistently tell yourself in your mind. This is the area of exploration is explored in our introduction to"Inner Talk."