Garlic in History
The health benefits of garlic are legendary. Ancient cultures including the Babylonians, India, Persians, Romans, Greeks, Israelis, Egyptians, Chinese, and Japanese all recorded medicinal uses of garlic for thousands of years. Jewish soldiers carried leather pouches of garlic into battle. They used it as an anti-biotic to dress fresh wounds and a source of quick energy. Roman soldiers referred to them as the soldiers smelling of garlic. Garlics health benefits are so numerous that we can only touch on a short list of these benefits here. We will skip all the historical benefits since they are almost endless and move on to the scientifically researched benefits in modern times.
Medical Research on Health Benefits of Garlic
The health benefits of garlic with supporting scientific research is also a list too long to fit into one article, but we will look at some of them here. "The antin-ociceptive effects of garlic have shown promise in treating different chronic diseases in humans, such as knee osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), peripheral arterial occlusive disease stage II and diabetes,"1 Garlic compounds have many beneficial effects: antibiotic, antibacterial2, benefits people with cardiovascular diseases3, antioxident, brain degenerative diseases, age-related disease, prevention of cancer4, respiratory diseases, reduce hypertension, reduce LDL cholesterol, and many others5.
References 1 Antinociceptive effect of garlic, garlic preparations and derivative compounds; Estefani Yaquelin Hernández-Cruz1,2; European Journal of Pain. 2Kulenvanova S. Skopje; 2004. Farmakognozija; pp.417-8 [Google Scholar] 3Vitor Massami Imaizumi, Lucas Fornari Laurindo, Barbara Manzan, Elen Landgraf Guiguer, Marie Oshiiwa, Alda Maria Machado Bueno Otoboni, Adriano Cressoni Araujo, Ricardo Jose Tofano & Sandra Maria Barbalho (2022): Garlic: A systematic review of the effects on cardiovascular diseases, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2022.2043821 4Biological properties and therapeutic applications of garlic and its components Article in Food & Function · February 2022 DOI: 10.1039/D1FO03180E 5Extracts from the history and medical properties of garlic zSS Cyril and Methodius Univ. 1000 Skipje, Rep. of Macedonia